Smart Pill Dispenser For Mom Forgetting Pills

Smart Pill Dispenser for Mom Forgetting pills

Med-Q  Smart Pill Dispenser was designed for solving medication problems. 

As your Mom ages she will suffer form AIMM.  This is Age Induced Medication Mistakes.  The forgetting and miss dosing that this causes can lead to tragedy.  Take advantage of a smart pill box to reduce the problem.

The MedQ Smart Pill Dispenser

A success story from Mary H in Green Bay WI, to help with her 82 year old Mom.   Mary’s Mom was beginning to have early stages of Alzheimer’s.  OurAlzheimer’s Pill alarm has made it so Mary’s Mom can stay at home.

Another Med-Q Smart Pill Box success story

Green Bay WI) Mary H was helping with her 80 year old Mom.  Mary’s family had taken on different roles in helping.  Her sister did the grocery shopping and her brother did house work and repairs.  Mary’s job was Mom’s pills.  With Mom forgetting pills her high blood pressure was rocketing.

mom forgetting pills
mom forgetting pills

Smart Pill Reminder instead if family phone calls.

forgetting pills

MEDQ Smart pill reminder helps patients remember to take their pills with flashing and beeping reminder. Smart Pill Box to the rescue. Place your pillsin the spacious, individual, easy to open/close daily Pill boxes. Set you Personal times, “once or twice a day” and Our Smart Medication dispenser repeats it’s Triple Alarms every day. Reminds and Guides. You can make forgetting, double/triple dosing or even worse a thing of the past.

Mom forgetting pills leads to an ER wake up call

Mom Forgetting Pills leads to the Emergency Room

Is Mom Forgetting pills important? The answer, “Mom’s Health is one missed pill away from disaster”.  Are you aware that 1 in 10 Hospital Stays are directly related to medication mistakes?  The cost in unnecessary medical procedures in in excess of 250 Billion dollars per year.  MedQ smart pill dispenser is designed to prevent Mom Forgetting pills and dosing mistakes.  Now is the time to take a proactive stance.

Mom Forgetting Pills will lead to the Hospital

It’s dangerous for Mom’s to relyy on their memory  for taking their pills.  Many Seniors suffer from AIMM’s (Age Induced Memory Mistakes)  The problem gets worse as your Mom ages.  Many will proceed to develop dementia.  Mom forgetting pills will not be solved by trying real hard to remember.  The costs in human suffering, caregiver suffering and financial hardship can not be underestimated.  Mom forgetting to take Pills can be solved with Modern technology..

mom forgetting pills
Med-Q’s Life Saving Features gives Quality of Life and Independence

Mom forgetting Pills puts her in the ER.

Why is mom Forgetting pills so Important?  Modern Medicine is much more complicated than in the past.  Medication needs to be taken at the correct times and in the correct amounts to work properly.  mom forgetting pills will throw the entire treatment “out of wack“.  A smart Pill Box or some type of smart pill dispenser will lower the chances of errors.

smart pill box

MedQ Smart Pill Box replaces the  Stress, Worry & Wondering about Mom Forgetting pills with the Peace of Mind that you are doing the best for Loved Ones

For More Medication Management Information Visit:

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