Best AM PM PillBox Reminder for the Elderly

Best AM PM PillBox Reminder For the Elderly

Best AM PM PillBox Reminder for the Elderly

Using the best AM PM PillBox Reminder is critical

Elderly men and women must use the best AM PM PillBox Reminder?  First, what happens if you don’t remember where you set down the car keys?  Second, what will happen if one loses the Television remote?  Third, what happens if you  forget  your Life Saving pmedications?  If you think about it, number three is by far the worst.  Hence, time to start using  an AM PM pillbox for the elderly.  Is it a big problem?  The problem is huge.  Forgetting to take prescription medication from a pillbox reminder can be deadly. The Wall Street Journal has called the  medication non-compliance problem, “America’s other Drug Problem.”

What to look for in an AM PM PillBox Reminder

There are many different types of pillboxes for sale.  Old fashion pillboxes area  lidded box with days of the week imprinted on the top.  First of all, they are NOT a pill reminder.  Second,  they are nothing more than a pill organizer or pill holder.   21st century technology has created miraculous medications to keep elderly men and women health and indepemdent   As C. Evert Coop (Former United States. Surgeon General) was quoted as saying, “Medication will not work if you don’t take it properly.” 

Features to look for in an AM PM PillBox Reminder:

Seniors suffer from AIMM’s  

Seniors suffer from a condition called  AIMM’s (Age Induced Medication Mistakes).  This issue is likely to get worse as the senior ages.  The fact,  this is the time of their lives when they are taking the most prescription meds.  Hence, one is able to see the potential peril. Go to Med-Q AM PM Pillbox Reminder.  Again, one ought to use this smart pill box as the bench mark.  First, when evaluating a pillbox, make sure that you can fit all you medication.   Second, it must be easy to use.  A simple investment in a smart pill organizer can be the first line of defense for good health and well being.

pillbox reminder
Med-Q is the Best AM PM pill box reminder choice for the Elderly. Best Automatic Pill Dispenser with Alarms for 1, 2, 3 or 4 Reminders

Med-Q is the Best AM PM pill box reminder choice for the Elderly. Best Automatic Pill Dispenser with Alarms for 1, 2, 3 or 4 Reminders

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