MED-Q pill reminder alarm for dementia

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Did you know some pharmacists will fill a pill reminder alarm for Dementia?

Pharmacists will fill a pill reminder alarm for Dementia

Some pharmacists will fill a pill reminder alarm for Dementia with the prescription medications.  Henceforth, no need to do it yourself.  Furthermore, the pharmacist will supply the packaging and all or instructions.  However, some pharmacys will charge for this service.  Many seniors will giet 2  pill reminder alarms for dementia.  The goal, 1 can be used while the other is at the pharmacy being filled.

Tip for seniors who are “out and about”.  In the event that the loved one is going out during the day.  They still must take medications.  First, put a dose in a portable pill reminder alarm.   The problem,  many of the automatic medication reminders are big as well as bulky.  Thus, difficult to  carry around all day long. 

What to do if Seniors refuse to take pills?


Every caregiver knows this is a problem.  For example, it is not uncommon for seniors to be reluctance or refuse to take the meds.  Furthermore, the problem is  probably more common than one would think. Again, ask a caregiver and you’ii see that it’s not difficult to see why. First,  loved ones will often not remember it even being prescribed.  This is where patients get stubborn.  To illustrate, the more you insist they must take it, the more they refuse to take it.  Another example, with  dementia comes paranoia.  Dementia sufferers may also be suspicious of you and your agenda. Here’s 4 good ideas from Pharmacists :

Pharmacists can help with Dementia

1 – Create a calm environment

First of all,  turn the TV is turned down or even better, completely off. Many caregivers will play soft or the patients favorite music in the background.  Hence, both caregiver and patient will remain as calm as possible. Another example, for those that get upset when they see a pill bottle or a pill reminder alarm, take the pills out of the bottle or pill box first. First,  if they still absolutely refuse to take the pill, don’t get annoyed.  Second, never, ever get into an argument.  Finally,  just take it away and try again 5-10 minutes later.

2 – Do it together

No, we don’t mean you should take their medication… Many people have pills that need to be taken .  First, time your dose at the same ti,me.  For example, take your vitamin pill at the same time.  Try this, “here’s yours and here’s mine”. If you think this approach might work, try use a piece of candy that looks like a pill

3- Get A Handwritten Note from the doctor

Someone with dementia is often willing to take  the pill if they can see a note from their doctor. Why,  Doctors are  a trusted member of society.  Hence,  particularly more trusted for those in the older generations.  For example, a loved one with dementia is usually more open to taking their daily medications and supplements if they can see a  doctor. note.  To sum up, the note should have a short explanation of the reason that it is being taken..  Specifically, what they’re for from someone in a position of medical authority.

mom forgetting pills

4 – Disguise it

Question, are you telling a fib?  First, some caregivers find this a little controversial. Obviously, no caregiver really wants to mislead a loved one.  However, not taking  pills could jeopardise their health, many would argue it’s worth being a little white lie.   You could try smash-up pills 

Always ask your doctor permission  before you crush or split pills

  • You shouldn’t chew, crush or break tablets or pills, or open and empty powder out of capsules, unless your GP or another healthcare professional has told you to do so. … you could get side effects from inhaling powder from crushed medicines.

 into ice cream,  apple sauce or even creamy yogurt.  In addition, many pills and supplements have a very strong taste.  The person with dementia may still be able to taste them even win the food.

Want to read more about medication? Here’s some helpful articles:

Check your meds on a regular basis

What are the drug treatments for dementia?

Meds management gets harder with AIMM’s

Top tips from dementia carers (and submit your own!)

Here are some of the best carer’s tips we have received. We’d love to hear your carers tips or tricks, to helps others on the dementia journey. Please submit them at MED-Q CAREGIVERS TIPS.   We look forward to hearing from you!

*‘Dad went through a phase of searching for his car keys and panicking when he couldn’t find them. I tried explaining that he wasn’t allowed to drive anymore but he just got really upset and said, ‘I still need to know where they are.’ So eventually I put a spare set of old car keys in a drawer. When he ‘found’ them the following day, he was so pleased. I was worried he might try to use them but instead he just put them on the coffee table so he knew where they were….and no-one ever dared to move them!’

smart pill reminder

Joe takes care of  his Mom

‘New technology such as cameras, pill reminder alarms, as well as temperature controls mean I can control Dad’s home from my phone. 

This means we don’t have to worry.  He’s safe and taking his pills.     We got some ione to help with get rid of the clutter in kitchen.  We removed most of the utensils from drawers and cupboards to make it easier to find the cooking utensils.  This should reduce any struggles when there are too many choices and too much “stuff” around.’

Kat cares for grandfather with Dementia

*‘If you have young children in your family record them singing.

We had a CD of my children singing Grandpa’s favorite songs.  We play it every time Grandpa was feeling agitated or getting aggressive. There was something about the sound of their sweet little voices that made him calm and relaxed.  It worked instantly when he heard it.’

Finally, Med-Q Pharmacists will fill a pill reminder alarm for Dementia is the gift of Quality of Life.

To sum up,  Med-Q’s Pharmacists will fill a pill reminder alarm for Dementia offers a  Back Guarantee.  Med-Q  and timer offers FREE Standard Shipping & Handling. At last, Award Winning 

Pharmacists can help with Dementia

Pharmacists can help with Dementia

Mom forgetting Diabetes medication   /   Electronic pill Dispenser for Mom  /   Smart pill Dispenser with Alarm  Pill Dispenser to the rescue   /   Don’t Forget blood pressure pills 

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