What to do when Mom’s medicine is a mess
Pick the best Pill Reminder with Alarms
What to do when Mom’s medicine is a mess.? In short, a pill reminder with alarms . Nonetheless, Mom is seeing doctors or the health Care Professionals for several chronic conditions. For example, her high blood pressure.
Another example, she is taking medication for diabetes. However, after her latest physical checkup has made you concerned. Her blood pressure is back where it was. Furthermore, it appears that her blood sugar is high. Obviously, her diabetes is no longer under control. First, check her medicine cabinet. Second, look at the different bottles and blister packs. Third, check the meds in her pill organizer . Finally, you will be shocked at what is there.
In other words, instead of organized rows of prescription medication bottles, one finds chaos.
To illustrate, many bottles that are almost empty. Again, other bottles that are filled with outdated drugs. Additionally, many different unopened prescriptions. Many still in the pharmacy wrapping. Last but not least, over-the-counter vitamins as well as other supplements – and a plastic baggie filled with assorted loose pills in rainbow colors, like so many jellybeans.
At this time, a serious conversation that follows makes one thing obvious. Hence, your Mom is in trouble. Fact, she must have some help with her prescription medication management (Medication Compliance).
- Medication Compliance refers to whether patients take their medications as directed by their Health Care Professional. (eg, with or without food or at specific times and doses).
Finally, here are some tips if you step up to take on that role of medication management. Here’s how to get things sorted out.
Pick the best kind of Pill Reminder with Alarms
Importantly, there is a variety of choices in Pill Reminder or with Alarms.. Besides, all pharmacies offer everything from basic 7 day pill box to a smart medication dispenser with alarms and timers.
In addition, there are Color-coded dispensers that have been shown to be effective. Fact, these Electronic dispensers or medication reminders come with alarms. Hence, a reminder to the use. Furthermore, the alarms will tell others know when doses are being missed. Talking pillboxes are useful as well as smart reminders that have flashing guides.
In contrast, others have blasting audi alarms for patients with vision impairment. But, when caring for someone who’s 80-90 years old, sometimes the new technology can be confusing. Clearly, a Pill Reminder with Alarms.must be user friendly.
Make a list of all Medications.
First, Start by playing the role of a detective. Whereas, count medications to see which ones are really/really Not being taking. Second ask about prescription drugs as well as other OTC(over-the-counter) vitamins as well as other herbal supplements. Joan Baird, director of pharmacy practice for the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists recommend using a medication list. The completed list should have daily drugs. Furthermore, the list needs to include any occasional remedies. For example, sleep or cold medicines.
Look at all of the different labels
Indeed, someone may be taking cold syrup containing acetaminophen, not realizing that it is loaded with ingredient as Tylenol. Along with, a little bit later, the individual could feel achy. Evens os, they take a couple Tylenol , not knowing the already have the drug in their system. Just one basic example of drug duplication ( redundancy).
Fact, no one would know if they didn’t read the labels. This being said, people with vision problems need help. The same applies, for those with changes in cognitive skills as well as comprehension. So you’ll want to be aware of the active ingredients for every pill in Mom’s medicine cabinet.
First, be Proactive, Clean up and streamline
First, try to get all scripts filled at the same pharmacy. This is the “Number one” way to prevent errors. Why, multiple prescriptions from different doctors can lead to negative side effects. The problem, so many pills on conflicting time schedules leads to skipped doses. Obviously, it is very easy for Mom to get confused. Finally, if a regimen is too complicated get the best kind of Pill Reminder or Smart Pill Box with Alarms.
For example, switching to another drug in the same class or using extended-release alternatives. Besides, extended-release alternatives lead to less-frequent dosing. On the other hand, this is not always an option. For example, individuals suffering with cancer and HIV/AIDS, it may not be possible to change the specific drug regimens.
Another example, heartburn medication may no longer be needed. However, it keeps getting taken. Hence the prescription just keeps getting refilled for no good reason. Ask your parent’s geriatrician or other primary care provider what’s needed. In addition, find out why it is needed. Finally find out what would happen if it wasn’t taken.
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