Mom taking medication correctly

Smart Pill Reminder with Alarm and Timer
Med-Q Medication Reminder for mom taking medication correctly

Every week we fill Mom’s old fashion pill box

Why is Mom taking medication correctly so important? First question to ask, is Mom taking medication correctly? First of all, every week we fill Mom’s pills box. However, Mom still can’t remember to take her life saving medication properly. Is there anything we can do to make it easier for her? Is there a smart pill box with alarms that will work better? Mom’s Alzheimer’s issues with medications are getting worse. Finally, we are afraid the next step is assisted living.

Why isn’t Mom taking medication correctly

Seniors lose track of Day of the Week which leads to over dosing

This is because she doesn’t know what day it is and she lives alone. To make matters worse, she needs help.Alzheimer’s & Dementia Medication Management. Google automatic or smart pill box with alarms and lots of choices come up. Good luck.

smart pill box with alarms
Med-Q smart pill box with alarms

Mom’s Alzheimer’s has steadily become worse over the last 3 years.

mom taking medication correctly
Mom taking medication correctly

Mom’s Alzheimer’s is getting worse. She does not remember to take her medications until late in the day. The results, taking 2 of her blood pressure medications and her lasiall at the same time. She is completely lost if a new med is added to her o;ld pill box. I text a reminder in the morning so she will take the correct pills in the am Mom is unable to remember or properly take any of her medications at this point. Hence, the need for a Med-Q smart pill box with alarms.

The family can tell her which pills to take but the pill box with alarms works much better. Even with the aid of the smart pill box with alarms, she is not convinced that she should take the pills.. Hence, I keep saying the same things over and over., Take your pills in the flashing box”.. This frustrates the two of us. She has trouble with what day of the week it is so her pill box is useless now. Consequently, a smart pill box with alarms and flashing guides is crucial.

mom taking medication
mom taking medication

We have tried a special kind of alarm clock for her.

First, it will tell-morning and noon and afternoon as well as bedtime. Furthermore, it tells the day of the week and date. We found it on line when researching altimeters management tools. Once a week I separate grandma’s pills into easy open zip lock bags labelled Tuesday am, Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday night. We had seen them do this in assisted living and nursing homes. I keep the prescription bottles in a separate pouch. The goal, to try to prevent overdoses.. This system was working better than her old fashion pill box. However, she was still making plenty of mistakes. The New pill box ‘s flashing guides makes it really easy for her. No need for a drawer full of baggies. Thanks Med-Q!

I have the advantage of living in the same house as Dad

Dad was using a pill box with the days of the week stamped on top. He was taking 3 pills and 2 vitamins. However, even though we lived together he was still making error on a regular basis. The biggest problem, confusion about what day of the week it was. At one point he didn’t take them for three days. He was so afraid of over dosing. We even tried to open that day’s compartment for him. He would shut it, thinking that was not the day.

pill box with alarms
Med-Q pill box with alarms

What to do with overdosing?

What happens if he already Has taken his pills?

First thing we did, hid the pill box. I was the one who dispensed pills. To sum up, I put the prescription medications into a small glass. On the glass, a note. “THESE ARE YOUR PILLS. TAKE THEM WITH BREAKFAST.” Dome times Mom would write a return a note at the bottom. The note said, ” “Thanks, I did!.” I know this probably won’t last forever, but we’ll see how long this will work. In fact, here was a period of time, before we realized, that she had gone 10 Weeks without her Blood pressure meds.

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Establishing a daily routine is important for mom taking medication correctly.

I have individual medicine cups with stickers on them that say Morn/Noon/Eve/Bed . Furthermore, I set them out where she will be when she is supposed to take them. For example,she takes two pills first thing early morning, so I leave those out in her bathroom by the sink. Hence, when she gets up to brush her teeth she remembers to take her pills and supplement. This has bee some what effective for mom taking medication correctly.

Rod S

For More information on Medication Management visit these blog articles:

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