Medication Doesn’t prevent Epilepsy Seizures

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When Medication Doesn’t prevent for Epilepsy Seizures

prevent Epilepsy Seizures
prevent Epilepsy Seizures

First of all, pill dispensers are filled with many kinds of  Medication for Epilepsy.  Brand names as well as generic (For FDA approval the generics has to be between 80% & 125 %t as effective) fill the pillboxes.. These miracle drugs can prevent seizures.

  • A seizure that happens unexpectedly in someone who normally has good seizure control

For some people, their pill dispenser gives them an entirely new quality of life

prevent Epilepsy Seizures
prevent Epilepsy Seizures

The Epilepsy Foundation advises care when thinking about switching from brand name pill to generic medications or switching between generic brands.  First of all, for men and women who experience seizures that are difficult to control, switching to some generic usually is not a very good idea. However, in the event that the seizures are under control, a generic can be a good choice.  Furthermore, the generic is likely be safe.  Again, make certain that you speak with the doctor or pharmacist about the Epilepsy.  Finally, ask them about getting your Epilepsy medication in a generic form. 

Always run it by the health care professional before switching to a new brand

The same applies to different manufacturer.  He or she needs to be aware and approve the switch. For example,  have the PA or doctor measure the medication level in your blood stream.  .  Hence, make certain that you’re keeping the proper medication level.  Of course, adjust the doses in the pillboxes.

Surgeries when Meds don’t work

Over 30% of suffers can not control seizures with a pill box full fo medications.  Hence, these 30 percent of people cant’t control epilepsy with two plus prescription medications.  Subsequently, if taken together or separately  These individuals have what’s known as ” drug-resistant or refractory epilepsy”

To demonstrate,  the doctor will likely will offer other ways of keeping your seizures in check.   First of all, surgery. Surgery may be recommended when a brain lesion as well as a tumor has been discovered.  For example, surgery may be needed with a mass that is the cause of the seizures.  The same logic applies  when there are some focal seizures (happening in only 1 part of the brain).

Correct type of surgery depends on the type of epilepsy

First, testing of the the results of your pre-surgical evaluation. Second, the personal evaluation and testing helps the  locate where the seizures originate.  Third, evaluate and offer how the specific surgery can impact the everyday life activities. For example, most testing ought to include electroencephalograms (EEGs).

  • An EEG is a test that detects abnormalities in your brain waves, or in the electrical activity of your brain. During the procedure, electrodes consisting of small metal discs with thin wires are pasted onto your scalp. The electrodes detect tiny electrical charges that result from the activity of your brain cells.

In addition, some kinds of imaging tests will check for tumors or abscesses.  Finally, some kinds of  functional neurological testin for Epilepsy will be done.g.  This is to make certain that surgery doesn’t affect other abilities.  For example, speaking and reading.

Surgery always has risks

Hence, these must be weighed along with the benefits.. Not to mention, surgery can significantly reduce or even stop seizures for many men and women.  However,  it may not help some sufferers in any way.  Equally important, other risks include changes in your personality.  Again, a uncommon side effect, “trouble with the ability to think”.  However, this is a rare occurrence. Additionally,  If choose surgery,, antiepileptics  will be in your pillbox for at least 2 full years. To sum up, surgery often will result in fewer pills in the pill box.  As well as, reduced doses can prevent epilepsy seizures.

There are four kinds of surgery for epilepsy


prevent epilepsy seizures

A lobectomy is when the surgeon actually removes part of the brain.  The removed part is where seizures start. Hence,  this is the most common kind of epilepsy surgery.  Finally, a lobectomy will only be done if there is a focal seizures that start in one specific area in the brain.

Multiple Subpial Transection

Multiple Subpial Transection is when the seizures start in a part of the brain that can’t be removed.  Furthermore, many need to have multiple subpial transections. Here is how it works>  A shallow cut in the brain’s cerebral cortex.  The goal,  lessen or stop seizures that come from the cerebral cortex.  Again, the goal is to keep normal abilities affected.  Finally, shown to be very successful, for Landau-Kleffner Epilepsy syndrome.

Corpus Callosotomy to prevent epilepsy seizures

First of all, the human brain is broken into 2 parts.  The medical term,. the halves are called ” hemispheres”.  In fact, the right and the left hemisphere. The halves are connected with the “corpus callosum”  Not to mention, this part  connects and facilitates communication between the halves..  This being said, it isn’t necessary. In a corpus callosotomy, the corpus callosum is cut.  The slice is usually either 2/3 of the way, or in some cases, completely.  Henceforth, the two sides have been disconnected.  The result, lessening or stopping all together,  communication between the two hemispheres. Known to prevent certain types of seizures.  In addition, shown to lower the frequency of seizures.

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Hemispherectomy have been around for a long time.  Likewise, the oldest surgerys done for epilepsy. In the first place, there is a disconnection done in areas of the brain.  In addition, there is removal of some tissue.  Again, shown to reduce the frequency of seizures.  This surgery is usually done on young children.  However, many adults have found it to be helpful. Most common  kinds of hemispherectomy:

  • Anatomical: The frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes are removed from the hemisphere that’s causing seizures.  The other parts,  brain stem, basal ganglia as well as the thalamus are not touched. It’s the a last resort.  In fact, there may be some loss of skills and abilities.  This being said, many individuals  have the surgery and are often able to function well.
  • Functional: This procedure involves removing a small part from the responsible hemisphere and disconnecting one’s corpus callosum.

When to see need to see the doctor

Finally, seek immediate medical help in the event of any of the following:

  • Having a seizure lasts over 5 minutes.
  • Breathing or consciousness doesn’t return immediately after the seizure ends.
  • A second seizure happens right after the first one.
  • You are experiencing a very a high temperature (fever).
  • You are having heat exhaustion.
  • You’re pregnant.
  • You are a diabetic.
  • To sum up, there is some kind of injury that was sustained during the seizure.

If you experience a seizure for the first time, seek medical advice.

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First of all, what do you do when Medication Doesn’t work for Epilepsy. Again, for many a pill dispenser filled with many kinds of  Medication for Epilepsy isn’t the answer.  Brand name prescriptions and their generic equivalents are miracle drugs can prevent seizures.  However, there are surgical and therapy treatments when meds don’t work.

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