MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm Success Story

MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm Success Story

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MED-Q pill alarm clock Success Story

Peter Grace (Louisville KY) was in charge of his Dad’s Prescription medications.

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Why does Pete’s dad need a MED-Q pill alarm clock? First of all, Peter’s dad was taking three pills in the morning . Second, he was taking 4 pll at bedtime.  Peter was loading his Dad’sould fill his Dad’s pill box every Sunday..  In short, here was the problem.  His Dad was missing his pills a couple of time a week.  He would take three days worth of pills at the same time.  For example. Sunday morning was the worst.. Shockingly, I would come over to fill her pill box, only to find out he was throwing out pills that he forgot to take.  To sum up, I didn’t have a clue that there was a problem until I caught him dumping meds.

We stared using the MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm .  I still load his Weekly pill box alarm every Sunday.  That being said, the Med-Q has been great.  The blasing alarms keep reminding him at medication pill time. The flashing box makes it so easy for him to know which pills to take,.  The family was starting to seriously considering assisted living.  Now it isn’t even a thought.  YourMED-Q Weekly pill box alarm is a true blessing. In fact, it is truly priceless.

MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm uses Flashing LITE-BOX Guides

med-q weekly pill box alarm

MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm does NOT LOCK

The Shocking Consequences of medication Mistakes.  Furthermore, the medical term for the problem is called Medication Non-Compliance.

Failure or refusal to comply. In medicine. Hence, noncompliance is regularly used in regard to a patient who does not take a prescribed medication. In addition, following a medical professional’s prescribed course of treatment . A person who demonstrates noncompliance is said to be non-compliant.

Think it is no big problem?.  Think again.

In just the UA, over 110 thousand annual premature deaths happened.  Let’s put this into a manner that is easier to understand. For example, imagine t2 747’s crashing. The crash leaves no survivors.  These are the kind of numbers we are talking about.  Furthermore, seniors are still relying on their old fashion Weekly pill box . In short, start using a Weekly pill box with alarms instead of a dumb pill box.  Simply put, a Weekly pill box with alarms is crucial for good Health and Independence.

Medication Mistakes Lead to 24 Percent of Assisted Living Admissions

weekly pill box alarm

MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm Success Story. First of all, staggering consequences of Medical non compliance are continuing.  Ask a senior man or woman what thy fear the most.  Most people would guess, “Death”.  The elderly’s biggest fear, moving out of their own home. Hence, losing their independence.

The Top Ten Fears of Elderly Adults

  • Loss of personal independence.
  • Declining health issues.
  • Running out of money.
  • Not being able to live stay in their own home.
  • Death of their spouse
  • Inability to manage their own activities of daily living.
  • Not being able to use their cars
  • Isolation as well as loneliness.

This being said, the losing the ability to take one’s meds properly leads to over 23 percent of l assisted living admissions.  Using the MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm Success Story to keep loved ones at home. For example, like peter did with his Dad..

The cost involved in moving into an assisted living can be staggering.  These cost are not just financial, they are emotional as well.  With a smart Pill clock timer like the Med-Q Pill dispenser with alarms, loved ones can stay at home longer.  This is a “win-win” situation for the user, the family as well as the caregiver.

MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm Success Story Prevents a trip to the Hospitasl

For example,  prescription medication mistakes can be deadly.  Consequently, a full ten percent of hospital and ER visits are caused by medication errors.  These types of issues can be expected.

Senior have a condition called AIMM’s (Age Induced medication Mistakes).  This is a normal part of the ageing process.  In short, deadly medication errors will affect senior women as well as senior men.  This is not to be confused with an ibrai disease. For example, Alzheimer’s and dementia.   Alzheimer’s is the progressive brain disease. Alzheimer’s causes brain deterioration in middle or old age, Finally, it is the most common cause of premature senility.

To sum up, the staff at at Med-Q MED-Q Weekly pill box alarm Success Story continue. The smart a pill box reminder with flashing guides and blasting alarms.  Med-Q is America’s #1 pill box with flashing guides and blasting audio alarms.

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