Med-Q Monthly Pill Dispenser Alarm to the Rescue

Med-Q Monthly Pill Dispenser Alarm for Dad’s Pills

Worried about Dad forgetting Pills?  The Monthly Pill Dispenser Alarm will repeat it alarms every 30 minutes until the medication has been taken and the next alert has been activated.   A Medication Reminder that is a Pill Alarm clock.  You can rely on Med-Q’s monthly Pill Dispenser alarm Genius.  Your Loved Ones do not have to make decisions. “No Decisions, Means No Mistakes”. Set it once and it will repeat the alarms automatically every week.

 The Monthly Pill Dispenser Alarm reduces Caregiver’s Workload. 

You can “Control Their Health before their Health controls Them”.  Taking care of you loved ones has never been easier with the MED-Q Pillbox.  No more Mom Forgetting Medication.,  No stressing over Dad Forgetting pills.  Meds will be taken and no more Stress and Worry.  Med-Q monthly medication dispenser “Cutting Edge Design” is America’s #1 Pill Box with alarm featuring 21st Century LED Lite-Box Technology.  Med-Q PillBox is a medication timer unlike anything else.    

Sponsored By Med-Q Medication Management System

Electronic Pill dispenser alarm timer
Electronic Pill dispenser alarm timer

Worried about Dad forgetting pills or over-dosing?

 Taking care of your Loved Ones has never been easier with the aid of 21st Century Technology .  MedQ Monthly Pill Box  is the best pill box alarm system.  It will reduce the Caregiver’s stress and worry and WORK LOAD. Finally an “ALL-IN-ONE” Monthly pillbox with Flashing guides. Where else can such a small cost have such a HUGE impact on your Loved Ones Health and Independence.  

*  Experiencing Caregiver’s Overload 
*  Your  Dad Forgetting Medication
*  Dangerous Over-Dosing Mistakes
*Alzheimer’s  Forgetting Medication

Some of the Smart Pill Boxes Life Saving Features

Med-Q Monthly Pill Dispenser starts at normal Volume and keeps getting “LOUDER & LOUDER” until Pills are Taken.    With a Smart Monthly pill Dispenser there is no need to stress over the the TIME, “Am or PM” even “Day of the Week”.   No Decisions means no more Mistakes.   Suffering with Mom forgetting pills, Dad forgetting medication…. no more with MED-Q Monthly Medication Dispenser Alarm.

Mom Forgetting Pills?

Med-Q Smart Pill Dispenser is available of Institutional sales.  Private branding of the Smart pill reminder is available. Med-Q Smart Pill box helps give Seniors the Quality of Life they Deserve in their Golden years.  Med-Q provides protection to Safe Guard  Loved One’s most precious possession, their Health and Independence.  Flashing Guides & Blasting Alarms is like having a  LIVE-IN NURSE at medication time. 

Caring for the Caregiver

 Being a Caregiver is a unique responsibility that you can both love and hate.  There is one thing to remember, take care of yourself first.  You are no good to any one if you don’t.  The Monthly pill dispenser alalrm is a Caregiver’s best Friend .

pill box dispenser


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