MED-Q Medication Reminder for Seniors for medication safety

MED-Q Medication Reminder for Seniors for medication safety

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MED-Q Medication Reminder
MED-Q Medication Reminder for Seniors

 Why is a med-q medication reminder so important.  First, Seniors take a lot of prescription medicine as well as vitamins and supplements. First,  most elderly men and women have a specific medication regiment.  Second, this also applies to their caregivers.  In fact,  medication is a big part of  the daily life. On average, people 60 plus take 12–16 prescription medications a year. To sum up, that’s a lot of pills to not make mistakes with.  Hence the need for MED-Q medication reminder.  The smart medication reminder with alarms.

Talk with Your Doctor or the Health Care Professional

First, Let the health care professional know which supplements that are being taking.  Second they will discuss what’s best for  overall health and well being. This applies to doctors, pharmacists, as well as dietitians . They ought to  assist you in  determining which supplements to put in you medication reminder.

Keep a written or electronic record of the taken pills.    First, record the exact product name.  Second add the dose that is required.  Third,  how often you need to take them.  Finally, include the specific reason why you use them. Furthermore,  bring the list with you when you see your doctor.    The Food and Drug Administration in Washington DC offers a useful, user friendly  form (”My Medicine Recor”). This will make it easier  to record the medicines and  supplements that you take. Give this form to your healthcare provider.  Finally,  discuss what’s best for your overall health and well Being.

medication reminder

Med-Q Medication reminder alarm system for an Aspirin Regiment

Why an aspirin regiment?   First of all, when the  doctor sees that you are at a high risk for CVD, he or she may recommend a low-dose aspirin regimen.  The goal,  reduce your chances of having a  heart attack.  Furthermore, the same applies for stroke prevention as well.  Aspirin  will thin the blood.  Hence,  blood clots are prevented from forming.  In fact, clots may actually  block blood flow in the arteries.  Again, , especially when those arteries are already narrowed from  a layering of plaque.  Never start an aspirin therapy on your own.  Always talk to the doctor first. To sum up, the very best way to know,  ask your doctor.

Bottom line

MED-Q Medication Reminder for Seniors for medication safety is a must.  As we told you before, seniors will welcome simple medication reminder systems.  The goal,  help them stay healthy and maintain their independence and quality of Life. . Plus, you won’t have to worry about whether or not they have taken their prescription  medicine.

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