Health Challenges of Aging

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health challenges of aging

Health Challenges of Aging is going to be experienced by every man and women.  The most up to date information has been trying to get people to be better prepared for the health issues that they are going to have toe face as they get older.

Med-Q Medication compliance system will often hear from our users

,”If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”  This is a common theme that is part of human nature.  People will often focus on financial security in their golden years, yet never prepare for the physical and emotional security that will will also need.

If your mom lives alone a caregiver is a good idea however if your mom is supposed to be taking daily medication having a caregiver “stop by a few times a week” isn’t going to do any good. And regardless of whether mom likes it or not, that medication needs to be organized. Throw out anything she doesn’t take anymore (don’t keep it “just in case”).

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health challenges of aging
Med-Q is the best Smart pill dispenser alarm reminder for the
health challenges of aging

The challenges of Aging Loved Ones

Take note, if you are in their 40 or 50 or even 60, you need to  give thought to the challenges your going to have to face as you age.   The fact of the matter, proper  planning for financial needs is very important to senior, but , so is planning for the potential decline in health that may be experienced as you age..

The fact of the matter, proper  planning for financial needs is very important to senior, but , so is planning for the potential decline in health that may be experienced as you age..

What you should be preparing for, and how to prepare

Get a pill box and make sure it’s filled every week. Is your mom able to look at the clock and think, “Oh, it’s noon. Time for my noon medication.”? If not then you might have to figure out a way to ensure your mom is taking her daily medication. Hire someone, look into assisted living, maybe sis can stop by your mom’s house everyday….Something needs to get figured out.

Med-Q Electronic Pill Dispenser with Alarms have spoken with different experts about major health issues when you age. While  diseases, like Alzheimer’s  , Dementia as well as some specific  cancers, have continued to confound the researchers.  The good news, many can be prevented, forestalled, or greatly reduced with the proper lifestyle and regular health check ups.  The American Geriatrics Society, tells The Smart Pill Reminder with alarms, “The more you do in middle age to prepare yourself for successful aging, the better.”

caregiver's medication pill reminder

Developing Osteoporosis and the Likely hood of Falls

Osteoporosis as well as having low bone mass has an impact on over 40 million people age 50 and older.  The vast majority of the sufferers are female. TheNational Osteoporosis Association, tells us that osteoporosis is not part of the normal aging process. In fact, practicing healthy lifestyle coupled with medication can minimize  or even totally prevent the disease.  Modern medicine can take a nearly fatal disease and make it manageable or even curable.

In 2014 a full 30% of seniors over the age of 65 have experienced a fall.  

Some of these falls were minor, while other ones were debilitating.  Between 25-30 Percent of seniors who have experienced a fall lost some personal mobility as well as their own levels of independence. The shocking truth,  falls are one of the top cause of death from injury in this age group.

Stop smoking and  get plenty of calcium

The very first thing to do, Stop smoking.  You should also be cautious of too much alcohol intake.  Take pills or supplements that give you extra levels of calcium.  Another factor that can help is to keep a limit on foodstuff that has a with high acidic contentl


Med-Q electronic pill dispenser

 Stay Away from sodas that will encourage losses of calcium.

health challenges of aging

health challenges of aging

The human body always has a reservoir of calcium.  The body will tap these reserves when not enough calcium is coming in from the foods you are eating.  Unfortunately, these reserves are in  the bones. The  reason women experience osteoporosis is from having a child.  Becoming pregnant and giving birth takes a substantial amount of calcium.  This may come directly from  mother’s bones if she’s not getting the required amounts from herregular diet. it has been estimated that middle age women require over 1,150 mg’s of calcium per day.

The intake of Vitamin D is also important

Vitamin D is called , the sunshine vitamin.  This is a protective vitamin if taken properly and regularly.  This being said, always use sunscreens to protect yourself against the chances of developing  skin cancer at some future.  It is a well know fact that as we get older our body will  become less efficient at manufacturing vitamin D from normal sunlight,

Many people are asking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to raise the minimum daily  requirement for vitamin D to  800 1,000 units. Most of the OTC multiple vitamins contain only 350-400 units.It is important to make sure that you are getting the minimum daily requirement from eating low-fat dairy products, or take a Vitamin or supplement.  Take a proactive stance in the Health Challenges of Aging. 

Real life example of Independence control

First, start by organizing all of the proscription medications.. Second, after filling the pill box , take all of the pill bottles/continents and put them where Loved Ones are unable to get to them. Mary tells us about her Dad. Dad used to organize his own medication in an old fashion type of pillbox. He had no Alzheimer or dementia. Hence, Mary had no reason to worry about Dad’s medication non compliance. Subsequently, to get all Dad’s scrips at the same time, he was organizing his pills wrong. In fact, Dad was not following his doctors directions. After that, I started to take over his medications and fill his pill box. He was still making forgetting and other dosing mistake. His biggest problem, mixing up the days of the day weeks. For example, he would take Mondays and Tuesdays pills on the same day. To illustrate, he took Monday’s pills in the morning and Tuesday’s pills in the afterburner. In short, he thought Monday was Tuesday. To sum up, these errors led to major problems.

But you’re doing the right thing now. You’ve recognized a problem and you’re taking steps to resolve it. I think your mom is lucky to have you and your sister in her corner.


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