6 Health Care Technologies to Watch For

smart pill box with alarms
Med-Q Medication Reminder, Medicine Box, smart Pill Box with alarms

6 Cutting edge 8 Health Technologies to Watch For.

From “smart” pill boxes with alarms to undergarments that detect infections, these technologies are transforming health care. In fact, the newest kinds of technologies are transforming heal. Hence, time to take advantage of modern Health Care Technologies. To sum up, the newest kinds of technology are transforming health care in the 21st century.

Modern Smart pill box with alarms and timer

med-q medication reminder box

Taking prescription pills and tablets at the right time and dose, often is the difference between life and death

Phoenix-based Med-Q Medication Compliance System has created Med-Q Smart Pill Box with Alarms and Timer. Seniors have a condition called “Age Induced Medication Mistakes” (AIMM’S). This is a normal part of getting older. AIMM’s should not be confused with Alzheimer or any type of dementia. This being said, 90% of elderly men and women make regular medication mistakes. The Med-Q has buklt in flashing guides that show the user which pills to take. A blasting audio alarm repeats every 30 minutes until the user has taken their pills. Med-Q boosts a 96% compliance rate among seniors.

Health Care Technologies for fall prevention

Active Protective invented “smart garments”. To illustrate, these are wearable underwear. First the underwear has 3-D motion sensors that are able to detect if the user has fallen. Hence, if Mom or Dad’s activity deviates from normal levels, there may be a problem. For example, indicating a fall. The genius aid will deploy a micro-airbag from the underwear. The goal,  to protect the wearer from a injury from a fall.. The underwater will place a Smart call for for help.

Health Care Technologies is new Smart footwear

Smart footwear is a top Health Care Technologies aid

Plantiga has some helpful  shoe technology. First the shoes are focused on individual performance. The shoes are able to offer real-time data. Second, the data will shoe weight transferring and distribution as well as other kinds of different movement. The Data is then sent to chosen smartphone apps. The goal, use the data for complete diagnostics as well as self-quantification. Plantiga says, “Bio-sensing from footwear enables better decisions for people who suffer

health care technologies
Temperature taking with the newest health care technologies

High Tech thermometer that knows it all

Time to learn about the smartest thermometer: First of all, Kinsa cost under 20 dollars. Second of all, the thermometer links with a smartphone. Finally, by showing degree-by-degree rise in temperature, it helps make sense of your symptoms.Furthermore, it will link into health weather. Health weather is an online database. For example, if strep throat is affecting the area. Bonus: Show your phone to the health care professional for immediate access to the data that has been collected.

smart pill box with alarms
smart pill box with alarms

A Medication Reminder is critical for Alzheimer’s sufferers.

A medication reminder is a must for people in the in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. Taking the right precondition capsules at the proper time are challenging at best. Again, the same applies with the proper doses. Asking an individual in the early stage of Alzheimer’s to remember their pills is asking too much. Modern technology has brought a new Medication timer and smart pill dispensers that take the burden away from the Alzheimer’s sufferers.   In addition, a great helper for reducing caregiver stress and worry.

Keep an emergency room in your pocket

Scanadu Scout fits in right in the pocket. Put the Health Care Technologies device up to your forehead. First, the device measures one’s temperature. Second, it take your pulse. Third, checks the and hemoglobin levels. Finally, this is all done in under 15 seconds. Hence, the info is transmitted directly to a smartphone. The goal, to be able to track vitals without going to the doctor.

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