Caregiver Smart Pill Box with Alarms

Smart Pill Reminder with Alarm and Timer
Caregiver smart pill box with alarms

Caregiver Smart Pill Box with Alarms Success Stories

First, being a caregiver is one of the hardest jobs a person can have. Second, it is also one of the most stressful jobs a person can have, This being said, caregivers need all the help they can get. Hence, caregivers should use a Med-Q Smart Pill Box with Alarms for loved ones..

We googled pill dispenser. and found your MED-Q. We brought it to Mom’s. Me and my sister alternate filling the pill box each week. No more daily phone call reminders. Great product. Mom loves it.

Joan S

Patent Pending Flashing LITE-BOX Guides means no decisions

First, what makes the MED-Q America’s best pill dispenser?,

In short, the Patent Pending Flashing LITE-BOX Guides. Just take the pills in the flashing box. In short, no decisions means no mistakes. To sum up, up to 90% of seniors make s medication mistakes. Obviously, a medication management system is a must.

Dad has never even taken a vitamin regularly. Hence the concept of taking a blood pressure pill every day is totally foreign to him. When the doctor prescribed high blood pressure pills, we though the problem was under control. Obviously, we were very wrong. Turns out, e was only taking about half of them. We discovered this when it was time for a refill. He told use the reason why, ““Oh, when my ankles are swollen, I take one. Otherwise I don’t.” We convinced himr that they were supposed to be preventative. The Med-Q made it easy for him to take them every day. Really is a smart pill box!

Keith P
Caregiver Smart Pill Box with Alarms

Medication Errors are the #3 leading cause of death

A newly released study from recent Johns Hopkins shocked the health care field. The report says, “more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors“. In fact,  Medical errors have become the third-leading cause of death (behind heart disease and cancer).

Our Doctor told use to find some kind of programmable pillbox dispenser. We went with Med-Q. The ,main reason, Mom is almost deaf. First, the flashing is exactly what she needs. Second, the 30 minute repeat makes it very convenient for her. She might miss the first reminder, but never the second alarm.

Cary F

First of all, many family caregivers have the had the same problem with their parents. Second of all, if they are suffering from dementia, the problem is 1000 times worse. Dementia suffers get confused. For example, am or pm medications. In short, they knew they had taken one earlier and really did not know the time difference.

Grandma does know that every morning to get up and take 2 pills out of each bottle.. If Grandma isn’t able to take meds on her own, you really need a smart pill box. My grandma sits down every morning and waits for the pill box alarm. Hence, she just reaches for her meds . When she is down to 2 pills its time to fill the medication box.

Pam B

Johns Hopkins study estimates that more than 255,000 US citizens die every single year from medical errors. On the CDC’s official list, that would rank just behind heart disease and cancer. To illustrate, these two took about 615 thousand lives in 2015. The number 4, respiratory disease ( 150,000 deaths). Be smart, become the next caregiver Smart Pill Box with Alarms Success Stories.

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