Being a caregiver

Being a caregiver of a loved one

Being a caregiver
Caregivers need Help

Being a caregiver for the family is no easy task.  Being a caregiver of a loved one is hard and challenging at times. Furthermore,  taking care of a family member who has a chronic or debilitating disease will take a toll.  Again, a toll of  physically and emotionally stress.

During this part of your life, at times it may seem overwhelming.  Many will get the feeling that you’re just a robot moving through the day.  thus, taking care of the day to day responsibilities being a caregiver  for a loved one.   again, many will feel as though they don’t remember what makes you happy and joyful. And some  may even suppress happiness out of feelings of guilt. Bringing back laughter into one’s life .  The goal,  deal with the stress of being a caregiver in a better way. Laughter specifically strengthens your immune system and releases certain ‘feel good” endorphins.

Endorphins are hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system.  They do have a number of physiological functions. They are peptides which activate the body’s opiate receptors, causing an analgesic effect.

Loretta Schoen, caregiving advocate and author of the book, Surviving Medical Mayham, joined one of the Expert Q and A panels at the 234th Fearless Caregiver

Here are some tips to help you add more joy to your life as a caregiver.

Keep a journal of good times

caregiver of a loved oneA journal is a safe place to write down your innermost thoughts and ideas.   Furthermore, it will often work as therapy for caregivers to write about the challenges of Being a caregiver.  For example, the difficulties and darkest times you may feel.  However, don’t focus on the bad moments.  Remember, that is not the sum total of your entire life. Your life,  even during those hard times, have big moments of joy in it. You just may have to try to hone into these moments of joy. Have a separate journal to write down the times. Again, write about funny memory of your loved one, a joyous event that happened in the world.  Finally, try saying , an inspirational quote.

Write a joyful mantra to post on your computer or refrigerator to say each morning. 

Mind over matter will encourage a positive as well as a joyous mood during those times when Being a caregiver makes you fell low spirited.

Celebrate being a caregiver

 Find ways to celebrate life and friends. caregivers need to treat themselves to a “Off day”.This can be done by getting friends and family to help.  For example, so you can have date night.  Other examples,  spa day or golfing. Try yourself to something.   Finally, buy something for yourself like a new phone or some clothes.

Eat well and eat what you enjoy

first, as caretakers we usually to eat rushed.  For example, less healthy foods as well as skipping meals altogether. You need to eat better. By eating the rainbow, a bounty of fruits and vegetables that are rainbow colored – green, yellow, orange and purpleought to give you essential nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants.  Also, needed minerals.

Cultivate feels of personal gratitude

Caregiver burnout
Prevent caregiver burnout

Med-Q Pill Box with alarms tells is that new studies have shown that gratitude is associated with higher levels of happiness. Being a caregiver,  you may feel hard-pressed to feel grateful.  made worse during this time  as you care for an incapacitated family member.  Many will think, “Why did this happen to our family?” or “It’s so hard seeing my father this way.

In the midst of caretaking you have to purposely think happy thoughts.  First, look for things, to counter those emotions.  Hence, these bad emotions will not weigh you down. Start by being grateful each day for a supportive spouse, friends, family, nurses, doctors, and administrators that have held your hand throughout the journey of  being a caregiver.

Physical Exercise or walking improves caregiver’s mood

Exercise is a great stress release.  However,  it is often hard to find time to exercise as a caretaker.  This being said,  it is vital to practice self-care for your well-being.Go go to a fitness center.  If you don’t have the time, fit in a  walk if you can get a friend or another family member to watch your loved one. Finally, try a exercise DVD at home.

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Surround yourself with happy people

Stay around happy people.  Furthermore,   people who are living a full life and doing fun creative things will have a positive impact on caregiver stress loads.  Others happy spirits can fuel yours when you’re overwhelmed or you’ve lost sight of your own happiness.

Be joyous around your loved one

Even if your loved one isn’t responsive talk joyously to him or her. For example, the   some funny stories of past memories.  Another example, tell jokes, put on a funny TV show for your loved one. Finally, remember that they are more than a disease. To sum up, you are so much more than a caretaker.

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