The five hidden costs of being a Alzheimer’s Caregiver

The five hidden costs of being a Alzheimer’s Caregiver

What are the hidden costs of being a Alzheimer’s Caregiver?

Alzheimer's Caregiver
Alzheimer’s Caregiver

What are the costs of being a Alzheimer’s Caregiver? Caregivers have one of the hardest jobs possible.  First, they take on their heroic role out of a sense of love as well as personal duty.  However,  the physical, emotional as well as financial cost is  big part of the total picture. Second of all,  caregivers truly believe that caring for aging loved ones is cheaper than a professional caregiver. The same applies with Assisted Living.  To sum up, caregiver help, assisted living facilities as well as nursing homes are very costly.  Therefore,  it must be cheaper to do care giving  yourself.

Alzheimer's Caregiver

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However, one could be wrong in the calculation. First, there are many other costs to family care giving that are not as obvious.  Hence, these ought to be considered before becoming the full-time caregiver for a family member or friend.  To sum up, knowing about the costs help non-caregivers appreciate the sacrifice caregivers are making everyday.

Here are the five hidden costs of Alzheimer’s Caregiver

1. Lost Wages and Income

Alzheimer's Caregiver
Alzheimer’s Caregiver

Fact, often a family caregivers has to quit their jobs.  Second, they often  reduce their work hours as well as  retire early. According to a recent survey preformed by Gallup, most all family caregivers  have said that the role of care giving has had a negatively impacted their job and career. Furthermore, Met-Life Insurance Company’s recently released data that has uncovered some shocking facts.  To sum up, the average Alzheimer’s Caregiver lost wages over time amount to over 140 Thousand dollars.

2. Lowering the Employ-ability factor

Again, the problems goes on.  For example, Alzheimer’s Caregiver leave work for months or years often find it hard to get another job when their caregiver time. To sum up. a challenge that will be diminishing because of record low unemployment.

3. Increases in the costs of Health Care

electronic Pill Dispenser for caregivers

Again, care-giving is a physically and mentally challenge.  These challenges are truly taxing. The researchers at Gallup, tells us caregivers have  worse physical and emotional health than other people who are not caregivers. What’s more,  the  Center on Aging found that 10-12 percent of caregivers say their own health has gotten worse.

Result, higher healthcare costs for family caregivers.  To illustrate, this hits hard for those who have lost their own health insurance. To illustrate, they quit the job to become the family caregivers.

4. The Lose of Personal Savings and Retirement

Alzheimer’s Caregiver spend a lot Out of pocket.  These expenditures by the caregivers will really start adding up. A study by the National Alliance for Caregiving and Evercare tells us that over 45 Percent of working caregivers have used up all or most of their personal savings. Naturally, caregivers who  left the work force have no income.  In fact, this will make it hard to maintain savings and retirement funds. Leaving the workforce will also lower the social security benefit.

5. Reduced Productivity Levels

Moreover,  costs of care giving are not solely on the caregiver’s physical, mental and financial problem. The US economy  is also heavily impacted. Met-Life found that US businesses lose over 30 billion dollars every year due to employees’(caregiver) need to care for their loved ones.

Where Do the Hidden Costs Originate?

First of all there are reasons that Alzheimer’s Care giving is so costly. According to MetLife, caregivers typically underestimate the amount time they will be providing care. We might imagine ourselves providing care a few hours per week for a couple of months, but end up providing care a few hours per day for a couple of years.  Leaving the workforce for two months may be tolerable, but leaving the workforce for a couple years can be financially decimating.

 This does not include the setup fee, as this is extra.  Second, This automatic medication dispensing system is placed on top of  counter top  or bathroom sink. Third, the pill dispenser machine will then drop a cup filled with the medication. You program the times for the pill drop.  A tiny light and  a friendly voice reminds the user. 

Don’t Forget to take Alzheimer’s Treatment cognition enhancing medications

.If no one moves the medications in 90 minutes a family caregiver called on the phone automatically.  Drawbacks, if the Alzheimer’s or dementia suffer is still  active  so if they leave home, and is gone for more than a few hours, the dispensing system is not a good option. The Pill Organizer with alarm Needs to be  filled every 40 days.  Med-Q Pill Box with alarms can offer a similar solution.Sponsored By Med-Q Medication Box with Triple Alarms.Alzheimer’s disease is a slow and progressive.First pof all, Alzheimer’s disease is a slow, progressive, ultimately fatal, brain illness.

Alzheimer will affects over 10% of people over the age of 65

It starts with forgetting and advances steadily over an average period of 8-10 years. Those who have it eventually need daily assistance to function and cannot live alone. Finally, the disease is eventually fa

A Way Forward?

The immediate burden of being a Alzheimer’s Caregiver is obvious. However, long term costs are now beginning to be understood as well. How can these costs be mitigated? A report by AARP’s Public Policy Institute made several recommendations:

  • Implement family-friendly workplace policies such as flextime and working from home.
  • Preserve and expand protections of the Family Medical Leave Act.
  • Expand funding for the National Family Caregiver program.
  • Provide a tax credit for caregiving.
  • Pay family caregivers through Medicaid or other publicly funded programs.

There are no easy answers

to this conundrum, but we believe it’s important have a conversation about the vital and honorable role of family caregivers, and what can be done to make their lives easier.

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