Med-Q Medication Box for Mom Pills

Med-Q Medication Box for Mom’s Pills

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Medication Box for Mom’s Pills can prevent physical and financial tragedy

Med-Q Smart medication Box

Why Med-Q medication box for mom’s pills?  First of all,  Mom needs to Take Care Of Herself after an illness strikes the family.  Second, the same applies for  Her Family.  When medical Tragedy Strikes the family must mobilize.  For example, get a medication box for mom’s pills.

In addition, you will have to help care for other family members.  If the family caregiver doesn’t take care of him or herself, crisis will happen.  . This also means trying to  prevent becoming medication errors.  Hence, the Med-Q Medication box for mom.

Additionally, you will have to deal with Cronic illness

Being sick for a long timer is not something you want to deal with.  Modern medicines can make it so  you do not have to. Being  a caregiver is a  job  that you ever actually never want to do.   However,  in many cases it is unavoidable.    First of all, try to manage the situation as well as you possibly can. Second of all, get a smart medication box for prescriptions and supplements.  Make sure the med box has audio and visual reminders.  This is needed to manage a seniors’ life saving medications.

Moms on Drugs: The Prescription Pill Epidemic

Prescription pills are easier to get  than ever before.  However, the complexity of medication schedules are negatively impacting the family unit.  For example,  families are caring for an elderly mother or father.  Following the  health care profession;s direction are not always easy.  For example, forgetting to take pills or miss dosing.   Not following the  doctor-recommended dose  can be dangerous or even fatal.  When taking opiods, this may start to spiral into an out-of-control addiction.  To sum up, Med-q medication box for mom’s pills is vital.

Med-Q medication box for mom’s pills

Moms taking Medications: The Non-Compliance Epidemic

Prescription pills are easier to access than ever—and they’re nearly destroying young families. For these mothers, a doctor-recommended dose spiraled into an out-of-control addiction.
  • Medical noncompliance is occurring at epidemic proportions.. Patients ought to buy food instead of hypertensive medication, or they may disregard a follow-up test.  For example,  I feel better or I was unable to take the time off from work Another example,  cannot find transportation to the clinic or hospital.Med-q smart medication reminder success stories

Smart Medication Box for Mom’s Pills can Lives Turned Around

To illustrate, Cathy is one of the lucky ones. She was taking 6 pills per day.  Four in the morning and 2 at night.  Here forgetful ways landed her in the ER.  She took three days worth of pills to try to “catch up”.  It was almost fatal.  Here daughter gave her the Med-q and the problem disappeared.  She’s gone from forgetting all the time to NEVER missing a pill. She now takes great pride in managing her own medication.  Another MED-Q Smart Medication reminder success story..

medication box for mom's pills
medication box for mom’s pills

Harold Jacobson (76 Years Old)  was lucky as well.   He was routinely forgetting his blood pressure pills.  For example, at the end of the month he has between 8-10 left over blood pressure pills.  His blood pressure remained high,  In fact, he had a mini stroke and had to spend 3 days in rehab.  No more with the smart medication box.  Harold said to his doctor, “”I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude that  you told me about the MED-Q,”  He says. “I never forget to take my pills.”  Greta Job!

You can read more MED-Q Smart Medication reminder success story’s at this link:  MED-Q AMAZON REVIEWS..

Read More about the  Med-Q Medication Box for Mom’s Pills

Med-Q Smart pill Box
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