MED-Q Electronic Pill Alarm Clock is perfect for Elderly 

MED-Q Electronic Pill Alarm Clock is perfect for Elderly 

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The first question to ask, why a MED-Q Electronic Pill Alarm Clock?

MED-Q Electronic Pill Alarm Clock

First, prescription medications, as well as (OTC) over the counter medication are vital.  Second of all, if mistakes are made, you are not alone. Furthermore, all senior men and women forget to take prescription medications. Hence, the need for the MED-Q electronic Pill Alarm Clock. Seniors suffer from AIMM’s (Age Induced Medication Mistakes). Granted, this problem will get worse as the population ages. In conclusion,  elderly men and women’s list of medications grow.  Furthermore,the days we forget increases. Hence, the need for a smart electronic  pill reminder.

For elderly people, medications can be the difference between life and dearth..  Again, the same applies with their Independence and Quality of life. Medication errors  (Medication non compliance) is or a disaster that will happen. When prescription medications are skipped, or too many pills are is taken, the results can be deadly.

There are many reasons why seniors don’t take their medications as prescribed.  Medication problems are very common, per the Department of Health and Human Services:

  • 50-55% of seniors are “non-compliant” with their prescription medications.  Hence,  they don’t take the medication right.  Right is : as the health professional has directed.
  • Approximately 230 Thousand seniors are hospitalized every year.  Reason, negative drug reactions

Taking the wrong dose (non-compliance) can threaten  health and quality of life.

  Obviously, forgetting to take medication or over dosing on pills can be fatal.  However, not using a Medication  Alarm Clock leads to dad forgetting to take his pills, Dad forgetting medication and forgetting depression medication. To emphasize, the medical community calls this  “non-adherence”.   

electronic pill box with alarm & timer
Electronic Medication timer for Alzheimer’s

Finally, a There are many reasons why seniors don’t take their medications as prescribed.  The need for the MED-Q Electronic Pill Alarm Clock is perfect for Elderly  is obvious.  


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