Smart Pill Dispenser Prevents caregiver Burnout

Smart Pill Dispenser Prevents caregiver Burnout

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There are many warning Signs of Caregiver Burnout

First, there are ways to help Prevent It.  For example, a smart pill dispenser .  Another example, simply taking some personal time.

Caregiver burnout

First of all, care giving is done out of love,  Second of all, there is a strong sense of obligation.  Finally,  just doing the right thing.  Fact,  more than 66 million American Men and Women are caring for an elderly, chronically ill as well as disabled individual. Family caretakers average 20 -22 hours a week in extra work load.  Again, 24 hours of unpaid in-home care provided each and every week. Did you know,  over 80 percent of caregivers don’t get enough sleep.

Does this Sound familiar to You?

If so, you’re on the way  to a level of  caregiver burnout. Furthermore, this is not to be taken lightly.  To illustrate,  psychologists define caregiver burnout  as “a debilitating psychological condition brought about by unrelieved stress”.  Finally, this is no laughing matter.   By the time most caregivers see the clues,  they’re already have been suffering the common ailments.

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Medication Timer solve Mom Forgetting Pills

Coping with being a caregiver is not the only problem.  First,  there are financial pressures to worry about.  Second, ongoing changes in the family’s personal dynamics.  Hence, this is a big disruption in family life. All together, it leads to massive caregiver burnout.  This will surely have a negative impact on the ability to provide the best care. That kind of stress can also place the caregiver’s health at risk. Using a Smart Pill Dispenser is just one of the tips below to prevents caregiver Burnout

The Top Warning Signs of Caregiver Burnout

  • Lack of get up and go (low energy)
  • Being tired all the time.  Experiencing bouts of Overwhelming fatigue
  • Having problems with Sleep Cycles (too littler,too much as well as waking up)
  • Changes in the way yo eat.  Is there weight gain or weight loss
  • A feeling of depression as well as hopelessness
  • Withdrawing from, or losing interest in, activities you once enjoyed
  • Not taking care of your self.  Both physicalyand emotionally
  • Caregiver seems to be taking control of your life
  • Making Medication errors for your own medications
  • Non compliance with patients medications (Not using a Smart Pill Dispenser Prevents caregiver Burnout
  • Losing patience with the person you’re caring for.  This will also apply to others
  • Anxiety about the future
  • Mood swings
  • Having a hard time coping with everyday life events
  • Headaches, back aches as well as  other physical  type problems
  • Getting sick more often (resistance to sickness)

How to Practice Caregiver Burnout Prevention

smart pill dispenser for Caregivers
smart pill dispenser for Caregivers

First,  you know what clues to be on the look out for.  Tips for a proactive stance to fight caregiver burnout.

  • Ask for all the help you can get!   Asking for much needed help will not make you a poor caregiver. It simply means you smart.  Remember, you can’t do it alone.  Furthermore, no one is able to do it by themselves.
  • Give yourself the “OK” to take a break.  Try to get outside of the house. Go to visit your friends.   Go see a movie or take a long bubbe bath.
  • Be sure to take care of yourself.  For example, never skip a doctor’s appointments because you’re too busy.   Be sure to exercise  Finally, eat healthy and never sacrifice on sleep.
  • Get up 1 minutes earlier.  In addition, use the time  as simply some “down time”.
  • Using a Smart pill dispenser prevents caregiver burnout
  • First, make a list of the  daily responsibilities.  Second, try to delegate some of these to others.  People like to help—take their offer.
  • See if your employer has family-leave benefits. 

Smart Pill Dispenser Prevents caregiver Burnout

Taker advantage of modern tools.  There are many medication aids that will help reduce your work load.  The basic , old fashion pill box does not cut it.  The new age of smart pill dispensers can lighten your work load and ensure the loved one is taking the right pills at the right time.  To sum up,  using a Smart pill dispenser prevents caregiver burnout

smart pill dispenser prevents caregiver burnout
MED-Q smart pill dispenser prevents caregiver burnout



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