6 Most Common Medication Mistakes

What are the Most Common Medication Errors

medication mistakesDoctors, Physician Assistants, RN’s and more.  In fact, all pharmacists as well as other health care professionals admit to mistakes.  In fact, they will admit to almost daily medication mistakes.  Furthermore, people are going to expect each one to provide us with the medication we need.  The goal is to keep people as healthy as possible.  Finally,  this isn’t always the case.   It has been known that medication mistakes have the chance to change your life.  Worst case scenario,  mistakes can even  become deadly. Med-Q Medication Compliance System offers some ways that errors can be reduced.  For example, a pill box with alarm to manage medication. Here are 6 of the most common medication errors.


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Taking the Improper Dose

We are living in the golden age of medicine.  This being said, medication mistakes are still causing unnecessary pain , suffering and even death. First of all, for pills to work as prescribed, it’s critical that patients take the prescribed doses as directed.

Drugs don’t work in patients who don’t take them (C. Everett Koop, MD, US Surgeon General, 1985)

If a person takles tooo much or too little, they may become way. For example medication mistakes are when medicine is prescribed as well as when patients are hospitalized.

common medication mistakesPrescription Errors

Another example, when a doctor prescribes the wrong medicine.  Again, when a healthcare provider gives the patient a medicine without considering your allergies or other medications that may be taken.  Negative Interactions with other medications is a big issue.  Other errors include prescribing the wrong dosing amount, quantity of the regiment as well as medication dosage concentration.

Taking the Wrong Pills

Believe it or not, patients are often prescribed or given the wrong drug altogether. As you might guess, this can be a fatal mistake that happens across every person in the medical profession from doctors to pharmacists.

Using the wrong way of Administration

Simply put, a dumb , but potentially deadly mistake. This error simply means the medication is taken in the wrong way. What is the route of administration ? This is the path in which the drug is supposed to enter your body. For example, should the prescription be inhaled or administered via an intravenous drip.  Other example, taken orally or anally. If not be taken correctly  the results can lead to extreme illness or even death.

Taking Your Dose at The Wrong Time

Smart Pill Box with alarmAnother common mistake that is made with medication is taking it at the wrong time or too many times. This mistake can be one that is made by the doctor or pharmacist, but it can also be the patient’s fault. Taking medication at the wrong times is common with elderly people who often forget that they have taken their meds or forget to take them at all.  A smart pill box with alarm can solve this dosing problem.

Not Following Directions or Wrong Directions

It is possible that medication can be prescribed with incorrect directions, but patients also fail to follow the directions as well. It’s important that medication is not only prescribed with the proper instructions, but that patients also follow the directions as they should.

Patient Mix Ups

Sometimes, errors involve giving patients someone else’s medicine or getting the patients confused. If the patient will load a pill box with alarm, this will greatly reduce the problems. This means that people end up taking medication intended for someone else’s illness or injury, which can have dire consequences. Although medical professionals must have contact with many people every day, it’s important that each is treated as an individual without the risk of being prescribed someone else’s medicine.

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