Smart Pill Reminder devices

Smart Pill Reminder devices
MED-Q is America’s Bets Pill reminder with LITE-BOX Guides

How big is the don’t Remember to Take Your Pills problem?

First, ask yourself if your loved one needs a Smart Pill Reminder. Fact, up to 90% of seniors don’t always remember to take prescription Medication. To illustrate, prescription Meds have what has been medical labeled as a “half-life”.  Hence, half life is the time it takes for the body to purge 50% of the  dose.  This is one reason why taking medication must be done on a very regular bass,  Hence, the goal, for the body to achieve what has labeled a  “steady state.  Finally, the amount of drug absorption is equal to the amount of medication that is being metabolism as well as excreted. To sum up, Smart Pill Reminder devices are the first line of defense for good health and well being.


 Smart Pill Box for compliance

 Caregivers need all the help they can get. For example, the stress that is experienced from worrying that Mom overdosing. . Med-Q Medication Compliance System hears about this all the time.  Furthermore, people are not aware of the truly shocking consequeces.  In fact this is why a Smart Pill Box is critical.  To sum up, even the most minor errors can be dangerous as well as debilitating. Finally, some mistakes can be fatal.

What to look for in Smart Pill Reminder devices

There are some basic Medication Reminder features that should be required

First, it is critical to take medication as prescribed by a health care professional. Hence, medication management will lead to better health. In addition, a smart pill reminder can keep seniors independent as well as living at home. In short, taking pills, capsule and tablets as directed is vital, However, the average senior simply forgets. Taking life saving pills ought to be as easy and automatic as possible. Not yet another thing caregivers need to add to their stressful work load.

Smart Pill Reminder devices
Med-Q medication alarm clocks

Thankfully, there are smart pill reminder devices for sale. The best medication reminders will reduce caregiver stress. In addition a smart medication reminder will help seniors adhere to a specific medication regimen . Flashing Visual Guides and Blasting Audio Alarms make sure pills are taken. In addition, they make it so the senior doesn’t accidentally double or triple dose. To sum up, the new generation of Smart Pill Reminder devices is saving lives. Technology goes way beyond your mother’s pill box.

Keep a journal for medication dosing tracking

  • First, keep a written journal of given medications. This will help track. Be sure to verify each new prescription .  Include:
  • First, prescription medication name
  • Second, the prescriptions correct dosage amount
  • Third, the proper way of ingesting it (ex. with food)
  • Finally, the proper time that the pills ought to be taken
smart pill box reminder
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