Medication Timer for Mom

Med-Q Medication timer
Med-Q Medication Reminder, Medicine timer, Pill Box

Med-Q Medication Timer for Mom forgetting her pills

smart pill box
smart pill box

Why is a medication timer that is a smart pill box so important?  Caregivers worry  about loved ones accidentally overdosing on prescription medication. This is an issue we hear about all the time.   The consequences are truly shucking, which is why a Smart Medication timer is so important.  Minor medication errors can be dangerous, debilitating and sometimes, even fatal.

Why do seniors need a Smart Medication Timer?

With 15 medications to take on a regular basis, accidental overdose is a problem for everyone.   The need for a smart pill box can not be understated.  Senior women take over 60 % of all prescription medication.

Health Care research data shows that the number of prescriptions written for older adults averages 15 per person.

 83% of seniors over 65 are taking prescription medications.  A  report from IMS,  (Institute for Healthcare Informatics  ) found total spending on medications was $325 Billion in 2012  The average spending per person on medicines was $887 Dollars .

smart pill box
Med-Q smart pill box

Medication management tool such as Med-Q pill Box will remind the user when it’s pill time. You can even ask your pharmacist about blister packing the dosages.  When discussing these concerns with your loved ones, remember that your most effective weapons against accidental overdose are not just respect and understanding.  A  Smart PillBox  will work best when it’s a tool used by your team.  Watch the Video on FACEBOOK.  To see other alternatives Amazon or visit Med-Q

Med-Q Smart Pill Dispensers is a great way to remember to take medication.

 Old fashion pill boxes are available at virtually all pharmacies. Old Fashion Pill boxes have been used for centuries.  The new generation of smart pill boxes use alarms and 21st century technology.  These pill holders are more than a basic pillbox.  These newly designed pill dispensers can virtually eliminate the forgetting and miss dosing problem over night.

Learn about the personal prescription medications is step one

medication timer
Med-Q medication timer

 First of all, when knowing what medications do for you, you are more likely to not forget. The same applies to over-dosing.  Second of all, when knowing about your medical conditions, you are more likely to remain medically compliant.  In fact, the importance of pills can not be understated. For example,  blood pressure medication. High blood pressure has no symptoms. If you know, chances are greater that you will take your pill out of your pillbox.  Knowing the side effects may be critical. Hence, you can see them if and when they may occur. Many side effects with drug treatment are temporary. To sum up, be sure to ask your doctor about  the short-lived as well as the long-lived negative effects of medications.

 For many of our loved ones, the risks are increased by memory loss.

effective weapons against accidental overdose
accidental overdose

Furthermore,  hearing difficulties, and mental deficiencies.  It is vitally important that we as caregivers, we pay super close attention to the Likelihood of an accidental overdose by your loved one or family members.

  • Pay strict attention for any and all changes in their speech patterns, reduced mental acuity, physical strength, or levels of depression and increased confusion.
  • Regularly have a physical check the medicine chest and refrigerator for medication that hasn’t been taken. Monitor usage patterns, expiration dates.
  • Take all medications to primary physician or pharmacist to check for appropriateness.  Have your pharmacist fill your pillbox for you.
  • Use medication management tool such as Med-Q Medication Timer reminds Seniors to take their medication. If you don’t use a medication timer, mom forgetting pills or dad forgetting medication will get out of control.

Be sure to discuss concerns with Loved Ones

The most effective weapons against accidental overdose are not just respect and understanding.

 A new type of Smart Medication Timer can be a vital aid in medication management. Successful medication management works best when you work as a automatic pill reminder. Smart Pill box is the first line of defense for good health and well being.  Forgetting and over dosing can be solved with the proper smart pill box.  Try Med-Q Pill box with alarms for thirty days risk free and see for yourself. To see other alternatives Amazon  or  visit  MED Q Smart Pill Box 

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