Forgetting Pills can be solved with a smart pill box

mom forgetting pills
mom forgetting pills

Mom forgetting pills is no small matter. Hence, the need for a smart pill box. In fact, Medication errors is the number 3 cause of death behind Cancer and Heart Disease.  First, Med-Q Smart pillbox has been designed to make “mom forgetting Medications and supplements” a thing of the past.  Second, there are many reasons for your mom or dad to forget their medication.  Finally, the reason isn’t as important as the possible effects.  Mom forgetting can be deadly.

The shocking consequences of medication errors

Consequently, the shocking consequences of medication errors is one of the biggest, unreported tragedies of the decade. To sum up, It has been estimated by the CDC, that over 125, 000 people die each year from med mistakes.  Of course, this is only is the US.  

To sum up, a smart pillbox or some type of smart pill dispenser can solve Mother forgetting from happening again.  Furthermore, Visit Med-Q pill box to see more.

mom forgetting pills
mom forgetting pills

Another Med-Q Success Story

(June 24, 1026, Duluth MN).  First, Linda P was having troubles with Mom forgetting pills.  Second, She tried the 7 day pill boxes.  They didn’t work.  Third, she tried Posti-notes on the Medicine cabinet.  In the same way it didn’t work. Next we tried daily phone calls.  Likewise, we switched every week between me and my two sisters.  we didn’t make it to week three.  Finally, Mom said she was taking her pills when she really wasn’t.

 Mom forgetting prescription medications and vitamins was driving us all crazy.

Then we found the MedQ Smart pill box

Mom forgetting pills is not a problem anymore.  I go to her house and fill her Smart Pill box an it does the rest.  We have been using it for almost three months now and mom hasn’t’ missed a pill.  The best 60 dollars we ever spent.   In short, if you have the forgetting Pill problem, the smart pill dispenser is your answer.

Mom Forgetting Pills can be solved with a smart pill box.

Mom Forgetting Pills can be solved with a smart pill box.

Med-Q prevents forgetting medications and Dad forgetting medication

Our Aging Senior Population is in need of a a Modern Pill Box for good health and Quality of Life. Thusm every one needs a new modern pill box for their prescriptions.  The exact opposite is true for those that are Over-Dosing.skip

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