4 ways to strengthen your immune system

Top Ways to strengthen your immune system

coronavirusFirst, the  cases of coronavirus continues to rise across the United Stares.  Med-Q Medication Compliance System offers simple tips on ways one is able to strengthen the immune system. Second,  how a simple change in greeting may help to lower the spread of bacteria.  For example, try a  fist bump instead of a handshake or hug. Again, handshake passes the most bacteria. Another example,  doing a “high-five” passes about 50% of viruses and bacteria of a handshake.  Finally, the fist bump comes in at about 10%.

There are ways to strengthen your immune system. The top factors. sleep, exercise, supplements and a healthy diet. Med-Q Medication Compliance Systems offer these ways to strengthen your immune system. Here are a ways to strengthen your immune system.

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What are the warning signs of a weak immune system?

Symptoms of a weakened immune system may include the following:
  • First, experiencing Autoimmune disorders
  • Second, having bouts of inflammation of the internal organs
  • Third, developing kinds of blood disorders.  For example,  anemia
  • Fourth, digestive tract problems.  For example,  loss of appetite, diarrhea as well as  abdominal cramping

Take good care of your own health

Take good care of your own health is not as hard as it seems. Everyone needs to have good sleep patterns.  In addition, practice good hygiene as well as daily  exercise .  Many will try to mediate. Meditation has been shown to lower the stress on the immune systemTry something as simple as a five-minute yoga break.  For example, go sit on the toilet.  Sit there, quiet .  Finally,  realize that it’s OK and none will bother you there.

strengthen your immune system
strengthen your immune system

Take OTC vitamin D supplements.

Med-Q suggests adding a few supplements to raise  your defenses against getting sick. Vitamin Supplements have never been shown to cure coronavirus.  However there are some ways that have been shown to help.  Specifically, some vitamins have been shown to slow down the progression of viruses in general.(not coronavirus) ,  The vitamins shown to work well generally are vitamin D.  A smart pill box with vitamin pills can be a big boost to the immune system. m Another example,  getting it direct from the sun.  However, in the winter one ought to  take it as a supplement.”

Med-Q Mediation Compliance System  recommended vitamin C, zinc and elderberry supplements.  In addition,  getting most of your vitamin C from healthy sources.  For example, leafy greens, salmon and berries.

good dietHave a diet rich in healthy fruits and vegetables.

First, add fruits and vegetables to the diet.  Again, this will make a huge difference.  To illustrate, these foodstuffs will greatly enhance the natural immune system response to invaders. Finally, there are many recipes for delicious and healthy smoothies.  The bonus, this are also have antioxidants for good immune system health.

Get the flu shot every year

First of all,  get a flu shot, “hat way if you feel ill, you know it’s not the flu (Most likely).  Those who are over the age of 60, should be more concerned about the coronavirus,  Med-Q shares risk factors  for seniors in that demographic .   We have been frequently asked by people whether they should avoid going out in public due to the coronavirus.  However do not panic.  Live your lifes.  Do not live your life with fear.   Finally, try to live with joy and kindness to others.

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